
RWU的应用数学超越了理论, using math and statistics to solve practical real-world problems in fields like chemistry, 环境科学与科学计算. With small class sizes and opportunities to co-author publications with faculty, our 应用数学 program will set you up for a successful career in business, 工程, 卫生保健, 政府及其他机构.

The 应用数学 major prepares students for a variety of career opportunities. Just  few examples are that many graduates find employment in the banking and investment sector, 而其他人则从事咨询工作, 保险, 制药, software and service companies; some of our students also go on to graduate or law school.

Several factors distinguish Roger Williams University from the competition. For starters, small class size means more personalized attention from our faculty members. Our students are involved on campus—as math tutors and as members of the 数学 Honor Society. 不像其他机构, our talented students get to co-author math publications with our faculty. 事实上, our students are currently working on the Numerical Solution of the Helmholtz Equation for the Pseudosphere, and Foundations of General Relativity and some speculations on the Einstein-Grossmann Collaboration.


Student presents poster at Student Academic Showcase and Honors event
Emma Dehetre '22, 工程与应用数学专业, presents her poster "COVID-19 Pandemic Volterra Integral Equation Model" at the 2021 Student Academic Showcase and Honors event at RWU.

To read more about our academic offerings, or to view full course descriptions, 请参阅我们的大学目录.


应用数学 majors at RWU are expected to have the ability to:

  • Reason mathematically and learn the different areas of applied mathematical study and how at least some of them are applied in various fields
  • 阅读应用数学文本和文章的理解
  • 使用应用数学工具解决跨学科问题
  • Use appropriate technology successfully and solve large scale mathematical models that involve systems of matrices, differential equations or integral equations and solve large scale problems through optimization techniques
  • Analyze problems and choose the correct technique from their repertoire to solve them, 图形化, 数值和代数
  • Make inferences and generalizations regarding the real life situations that the applied mathematics algorithms are used for

If you would like to find out more about what 应用数学 is useful for please look at SIAM的职业手册,或去的职业页面 AMS, MAA and SIAM.



阿比盖尔小, RWU 2020届毕业生
应用数学+ 计算机科学

在涉猎了一般数学课程之后, Abigail Small discovered a passion for the real-world impact of applied mathematics. She’s diving deep into sophisticated computational math research into the mysterious workings of neurostimulation treatment for Parkinson’s disease.

Student presents poster at Student Academic Showcase and Honors event
Katie Gilbert '22 a Biochemistry and 应用数学 major presents her poster“COVID-19 Pandemic Analysis by the 𝜆𝐼𝑆𝑅 Volterra Integral Equation Model: A Case Study of South Africa” at the 2022 Student Academic Showcase and Honors event at RWU.


  • 天秤座天文学及其数学
  • "Detecting Underwater Objects through Scattering Theory; the Wiener-Hopf Integral Equation"
  • "A Mathematical Approach to Assessing tDCS Efficacy for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder"
  • 仿射密码中的不动点
  • 《网赌的十大网站》 & 关于爱因斯坦-格罗斯曼合作的几点思考
  • "The Numerical Solution of the Helmholtz Equation via the Modified Galerkin Method for the Biconcave Disk ("Bloodcell"): the Mars Project"
Student presents poster at Student Academic Showcase and Honors event
约书亚·阿布斯顿,21岁, 应用数学专业, presents his poster "A Computational Investigation of Ionic Transport and Gating due to Electrical Stimulation Treatments" at the 2021 Student Academic Showcase and Honors event at RWU.



  • AT&T
  • 波士顿医学院
  • 雷神公司
  • 美国国立卫生研究院
  • 弗拉姆号公司
  • HBO公司



  • 布朗大学
  • 达特茅斯学院
  • 哈佛大学
  • Tufts
  • 康奈尔大学
  • 威斯康星大学
  • 波士顿学院
  • 纽约州立大学-奥尔巴尼分校
  • 马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特
  • 教堂山北卡罗来纳大学


学生听课堂讲课.RWU offers a scholarship opportunity for students interested in majoring in math, 科学, 工程, 计算机科学或法医学. 了解美国国家科学基金会RISE学者计划, 的识别, supports and empowers a group of academically talented students with financial need as they prepare to enter Research and Industry in Science and Engineering (RISE).



学生实习医疗助理.Are you interested in a career in the health professions and want more information on developing your studies toward professional preparation? Visit Health Professions Advising for resources on how you can explore your options for health professions pathways.
